Alumni Online Seminar: 'Provision of water and sanitation in challenging conditions: Experiences in the Antarctic' by Hector Garcia

Online seminars form part of lifelong learning resources we offer to the Institute's Alumni. The one-hour seminars feature webcast interactive lectures and discussions. Organized by IHE Delft, the seminars focus on topics selected to suit the interests of alumni and partners, but they are of interest also to a broader audience – feel free to invite colleagues and others who may be interested. Participation is free.
After the seminar, a recording will be published on the IHE Delft's YouTube channel. Earlier seminars are available via this link
About the seminar
Antarctica, the planet’s coldest and windiest continent, is home to not only penguins, seals and other animals, but also a growing number of humans – scientists conducting research in this unique environment.
Like all humans, scientists produce human waste, which has to be handled in a way so that it doesn’t put the pristine environment at risk.
In this online seminar Dr. Hector Garcia Hernandez, IHE Delft Associate Professor of Wastewater, will share experiences from an April 2023 mission to the Uruguayan Scientific Base Artigas (BCAA) on King George Island. He was there as part of a team comprising IHE Delft and Technological University of Uruguay (UTEC) experts who studied new ways of water treatment that improve the current sanitation situation by allowing the reuse of waste water.
The meticulously planned expedition was part of a collaboration involving IHE Delft, UTEC, and the Uruguayan Antarctic Institute (Instituto Antártico Uruguayo – IAU) that was initiated in 2022.
About the speaker
Dr Hector Garcia is Associate Professor of Wastewater at IHE-Delft. He has a Master of Science degree in Environmental Water Resources Engineering and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Civil Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin. Hector's research interests include treatment technologies for the removal of conventional and emerging contaminants from water, wastewater, and sludge sources with an emphasis on both engineered biological treatment processes and membrane systems for water reuse and resource recovery; particularly, Hector's research aimed at serving the research and technical needs of the developing world in the water and wastewater sector.
His current research includes: (a) Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)s systems; (b) Recirculation Aquaculture Systems (RAS); (c) Developing sanitation alternatives for the urban poor; (d) Oxygen transfer in wastewater treatment; (e) Modelling wastewater treatment plants; (f) Aerobic granular sludge; (g) Anaerobic membrane bioreactors; and (h) Emerging contaminants removal. Hector has supervised many MSc and PhD students in the field of Environmental and Sanitary Engineering.
How to attend?
The event is free. Please register here to receive a link to join the meeting, to be held on the Zoom platform.
How can I ask questions or make comments during the seminar?
Please enter your questions in the platform’s question box.
Check your time
Make sure you don't miss the seminar by checking your time zone through this link.
For extra information please contact Ms. Maria Laura Sorrentino, Alumni Relations Officer at