Diary of Travelling Rivers – Seminar, film and discussion

Travelling Rivers is a collective counter-mapping initiative that aims to illustrate and mobilise the knowledge, imaginaries and conflicts around rivers that are generally hidden, but perceived and experienced daily by riverine communities. From April to June 2023, fishing and peasant communities, social movements and activists-artists and researchers from the Riverhood and River Commons projects engaged in local counter-mapping workshops on four rivers in Colombia and two in Ecuador: the Magdalena, La Miel, Bogotá and, Sumapaz and the Guargalla y Alao rivers. By taking the mapping workshops and the maps themselves from one context to another, the different experiences and struggles were woven together, connecting stories, concerns, debates and movements. Rivers travelled and promoted transnational solidarity.
This award-winning movie Diary of Travelling Rivers is the result of a collaboration between artists and scientists based at Wageningen University. It follows two five-year research projects Riverhood and River Commons dedicated to reviving rivers, promoting river co-governance, and advancing new water justice movements. Funded by the European Research Council and Wageningen University, these initiatives develop innovative concepts and methods to support equitable water governance and sustainable river systems in Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Riverhood focuses on new water cultures and the Rights of Nature, while River Commons emphasizes multi-stakeholder interactions and socio-ecological sustainability. Together, they create Environmental Justice Labs and River Co-governance Labs to co-create knowledge, exchange ideas, and strengthen river co-governance globally.
16:00 -17:00 Seeing Rivers Otherwise: Learning Through and With Critical Cartography
Seminar by Daniele Tubino De Souza (Wageningen University and Research, WUR) at IHE Delft (Socio Room)
17.30-18.00: Film (30 mins// Diary of Travelling Rivers)
18.00 -18.45: Discussion with the Director, Daniele Tubino De Souza
IHE Delft students and staff can register via The Source.
External participants can contact Emanuele Fantini for registration (see email address below).
Emanuele Fantini
Associate Professor of Water Politics and Communication