Film screening: Far from the Nile

Screening of the documentary film Far from the Nile followed by discussion with the director, Sherief Elkatsha (Egypt).
About the documentary
Elkatsha follows 12 musicians from seven countries along the Nile River as they band together in an international coalition called The Nile Project to fuse musical styles, rhythms, and languages to highlight the water conflict along the river they share. As they leave their homes in Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Burundi, and Uganda to embark on a 100-day tour of North America, the film captures the challenges of collaboration across cultural lines. Despite their vast cultural differences, musical styles and competing egos, the artists must find ways to create and remain united in their cause.
About the event
Inspired by the Nile Project, the IHE Delft-led project Open Water Diplomacy: Media, science and transboundary cooperation in the Nile Basin promoted a similar collaboration among journalists and researchers from different Nile countries. The screening marks the completion of the Open Water Diplomacy project and aims to share ideas on how to promote further conversations and collaborations along the Nile river.
The project Open Water Diplomacy project was funded by the Water and Development Partnership program (Phase 2), which is financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
More information
To learn more about The Nile Project, listen to this podcast in which IHE Delft Senior Lecturer/Researcher in Water Politics and Communication Emanuele Fantini speaks with Mina Girgis, founder of The Nile Project.
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