IHEUrgentAction Mapathon for Morocco and Libya

On 26 September 2023 IHE Delft and the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team are hosting a Mapathon to map areas affected by the earthquake in Morocco and the floods in Libya. During the Mapathon, IHE Delft students, staff, alumni, and other volunteers will map areas affected by the earthquake in Morocco and the floods in Libya based on satellite images, on OpenStreetMap, a detailed, open-access map of the world.
Importance of mapping for humanitarian help
By mapping vulnerable areas that are affected by natural disasters, such as the earthquake in Morocco and the floods in Libya, you can help governments and aid organizations to provide better assistance and relief to the people in need. Mapping helps to identify the locations of buildings, roads, water sources, health facilities, and other essential infrastructure that may be damaged or inaccessible. Mapping also helps to monitor the situation and plan the recovery efforts. By joining a Mapathon, you can contribute to the augmentation of the world map on OpenStreetMap and make a difference for the people who need it most.
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) is an NGO at the nexus of participatory mapping, community-led development, humanitarian response, open data and tech. HOT supports a global community of dedicated volunteers and development partners using maps and open data for humanitarian response and contribution to the SDGs. Moreover, HOT acts as a catalyst that connects communities in countries at high risk of disaster, humanitarian crises, or multidimensional poverty and supports them to be added to the map in the way they choose and to be included in decisions that affect their lives.
The Mapathon, which will be held at IHE Delft as well as online, is a free event. You’re welcome from 17:00 hrs CEST.
If you’re interested in joining: please sign up by filling in this form. We will make sure that you are registered to enter the IHE Delft building or join the Mapathon online.
To get a head start, if you don't have an OpenStreetMap account visit this page and follow steps 1-4: https://tasks.hotosm.org/learn/quickstart
You don’t need any special skills or experience to participate; all you need is a laptop, a mouse, and an internet connection. You will be guided by experts who will show you how to use the tools and data sources. You will also have fun and meet other volunteers who share your passion for mapping. So, what are you waiting for? Join us for the #IHEUrgentAction Mapathon and contribute directly to the relief efforts, helping us bring immediate aid to those affected by the earthquake in Morocco and the floods in Libya. Your contribution can make a world of difference in their lives.