Join us at IHE Delft Science Weekend

IHE Delft is taking part in the Netherlands-wide science festival Weekend van de Wetenschap! On Saturday, 5 October, the Institute welcomes curious visitors for hands-on experiments! We’ll have several stations at which visitors of all ages can learn about water in a fun and interactive way. All are welcome – bring your family and friends!
Activities include:
- Build your own aquifer
- Create a water-smart garden with Wavemakers United's water labs.
- Discover the power of worms and learn how to create your own wormery for the garden.
- Check out water-saving WC vortex technology
- Test the effect of dikes, dunes and breakwaters on extreme waves using Deltares' mini Delta Flume
- Try out the Wonen Onder Water challenge - Delfland (
- Clean dirty water using filtration
- Learn about water sharing using sticks and marbles in our watershed game
- Examine water up close through a microscope, bring your own sample
No registration is needed – All are welcome!
More information here.
IHE Delft has joined hands with Deltares, Wavemakers United and Hoogheemraadschap van Delftland for this event.
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IHE Delft Artist-in-Residence Roger Anis: Capturing the Nile’s water stories
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Exploring liquid heritages: A talk by Sara Ahmed on the Living Waters Museum
Water is a fundamental resource that sustains life and communities, yet its deep cultural and historical significance is often overlooked. Understanding water heritage—where it comes from, how it’s used, and where it flows — raises awareness about the value of water, especially in young minds. This is what brought Sara Ahmed to found the Living Waters Museum in 2017.
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The World Meteorological Organization and IHE Delft continue to collaborate on hydro-climate research
In May 2023, at the 19th World Meteorological Congress held in Geneva, Switzerland, IHE Delft and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) renewed their long-term commitment to collaborate with each other. IHE Delft Rector Eddy Moors and Stefan Uhlenbrook, Director of Hydrology and Cryosphere at WMO signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen their partnership for the next 5 years.