nXr | Designing for extremes - Heritage strategies to sea level rise adaptation

This workshop is part of over 10 years of fruitful collaboration between the Netherlands and Brazil on Water as heritage - visions and strategies to protect against sea level rise in both countries.
This year, the Netherlands eXchange Recife (nXr) is diving deeper into how to protect and adapt the political capital of the Netherlands, Den Haag. “To live safely in the Dutch delta in 50 years’ time, we need to look a hundred years ahead”, so what are the visions for the Port of Scheveningen in 2124?
Onboard, the frontline team is mainly composed of the RCE (Agency of Cultural Heritage of the Kingdom of the Netherlands - Ministry of Science, Culture and Education), the Municipality of The Hague and Delft Univeristy of Technology (TU/Delft), along with Brazilian counterparts: Climate-Network of Brazil (Ministry of Science and Innovation of Brazil), Recife City Hall, and Federal University of Pernambuco.
Online participation: A link will be sent to online participants by email.
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