PhD Defence Md Ataul Gani

On Monday 7 October 2024, the Public Defence and awarding Ceremony of Mr. Md Ataul Gani, from Bangladesh will take place. Professor Ken Irvine & Professor Michael McClain are his promotors and Dr. Gretchen Gettel & Dr. Hans van der Kwast his co-promotors.
The title of his thesis is: Nitrogen Retention in Different Geomorphic Units of a Large Lowland River
Large lowland rivers are geomorphologically diverse, with variations in flow that influence nitrogen retention. Nitrogen retention is a valuable ecosystem service protecting the downstream aquatic ecosystem from eutrophication. The research focuses on nitrogen retention in distinct geomorphic units of the large lowland Padma River in Bangladesh. Sentinel-2 imagery (2019-2020) was processed using NDVI values to classify geomorphic units (GUs) and map nutrient-retention/export-relevant geomorphic units (NREGUs) of the study area, which showed seasonal discharge variations were responsible for changes in the surface area and a number of GUs. The field measurements of potential denitrification rate (PDR) were performed to show the spatiotemporal distribution of PDR using different linear mixed models (LMMs), including Sentinel-2 band 11 and NDVI, and the application of the best-performed LMM showed that the number and surface area of GUs were responsible for the alteration of PDR in the study reach. Monthly field investigations employing the mass balance approach provide an integrated value of nitrogen retention of the study reach. This enables comparison with the retention processes in the reach, such as nitrogen loss due to water retention, sedimentation and net PDR. The present study showed that the alteration of GUs can regulate these retention processes, thus revealing the effect of river management programmes on river health and ecology.
Below you can find the schedule:
14.00 – 14.15 Presentation
14.30 – 16.00 Public Defence and Awarding Ceremony
Here you can watch the livestream.