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Delft, The Netherlands, 09 Oct 2020 IHE Delft introduces new one and two year Master programmes from 2022

Delft, The Netherlands, 09 Oct 2020 IHE Delft introduces new one and two year Master programmes from 2022

In response to the changing external environment and diversification of educational demands from water sector professionals, IHE Delft is currently working on redesigning its MSc programmes. In line with our mission to work in partnership to strengthen capacity in the water sector to achieve global sustainable development, we are keen to ensure that our programmes meet the needs of those addressing water challenges and that the content is relevant to societal needs. Our ambition for October 2022 and beyond, is to offer two new, exciting, high quality student-based MSc programmes.

We recognize that among our student body there are two main groups: those wishing to apply the knowledge they gain to their professional practice and those wishing to pursue a more research-based career. Each group has different needs from their MSc programme, which will be met by offering two programmes of different lengths: one programme of one year for practising water professionals and one of 2 years for those wishing to pursue a PhD and a more academic career.

The programmes will be designed to allow students greater choice and flexibility in the topics they study, encouraging an interdisciplinary approach, where appropriate. In addition, certain ‘transferable skills’, which will be useful throughout their career, will be woven through the programmes.

For the one year programme, you may wonder how a full Master’s programme can be completed in that time and still retain the quality of education for which IHE Delft is known. There are 3 main elements which ensure this:

  • Before coming to Delft, students are expected to go through online preparatory course material which include self-tests indicating the required MSc study entry level;
  • We will not attempt to cram too much content into the programmes, since there will be ample opportunity for follow-on courses, online and face-to-face, as part of the lifelong learning portfolio provided to alumni. Students will however gain the right amount of relevant information on their selected topics to be of use and propel them forward in their chosen career;
  • Students will start their thesis proposal and preparation early in the programme, to ensure timely completion.

The two year programme, as a Research Master’s will allow for more in-depth study into their chosen research area, the chance to develop research skills, while still acquiring transferable skills and enjoying the benefits of studying in a multi-cultural, interdisciplinary environment.

In short, the redesigned programmes will offer the following benefits:

  • Time: The shorter programme (68 ECs) will reduce the time and cost commitment to achieve their MSc, of particular interest to those students returning to their former employment.
  • Choice: The choice between 68 and 120 ECs will give individual students what they need for their future career – as a practising professional or in the academic world.
  • Tailored: Study tracks and personal profiles will cater for individual needs and ambitions.

As is the case with our current MSc programmes, the academic level and quality of the new programmes will be safeguarded through their accreditation by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO).

More information on the structure and content of the new programmes will be available over the next few months.