IHE Delft & Deltares sign cooperation agreement

IHE Delft and Deltares will further strengthen their collaboration under a cooperation agreement signed 6 March by IHE Delft Rector Eddy Moors and Deltares Director Dirk Jan Walstra
The Memorandum of Understanding signed by the two formalises and strengthens cooperation that was initiated decades ago. The cooperation includes a broad mixture of water science, software development and capacity-development projects, often conducted in the Global South.
During the signing ceremony, the two parties defined four working groups that will spearhead cooperation on key topics:
- Water security in the context of climate mobility
- Climate hazards in coastal zones
- Climate adaptation in deltas and coastal areas
- Hydro-informatics: machine learning and data-driven modelling.
“Joint action and collaboration are needed to address the severe water challenges faced by the world. This agreement enables us to build on our existing cooperation so that we together can make a stronger impact for a better water future,” Moors said.
Walstra added:
“This Memorandum of Understanding solidifies our decades-long cooperation. By continuing to work together and further advancing our knowledge across a range of areas, we hope to make a real difference in tackling societal challenges.”
Mick van der Wegen
Head of the CURR Department