IHE Delft renew collaboration with Drainage Services Department of Hong Kong

After 5 years of successful collaboration to further research, knowledge exchange and capacity development in sustainable stormwater management, IHE Delft and the Drainage Services Department of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government (DSD), are set to continue their commitment to work closely together on these objectives. The partners renewed their existing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 31 October 2019 for another 5-year term.
The new commitment was signed after a workshop at the 8th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition Hong Kong. This invited side-event was co-organised by IHE Delft and DSD to discuss the long-term climate resilience strategy for Hong Kong.
As changing climate and economies are leading to increased levels of global uncertainty and risk, decision-makers across the world are reviewing their flood (disaster) risk management strategies. Singular, extreme events are becoming more common, while lead-in times needed for flood protection infrastructure remain long. As a consequence, many countries are now taking a longer term view to dealing with even sporadic events, shifting from an essentially reactive to a more preparatory approach. The goal of the partnership is to explore challenges and opportunities of an adaptive strategy for Hong Kong.
The signing of the MoU was witnessed by the Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Hong Kong and Macao, Ms. Annemieke Ruigrok, and Special Envoy for International Water Affairs for the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Mr. Henk Ovink, together with Deputy Secretary for Development (Works) of Development Bureau, Ir Mak Shing-cheung, Vincent and Deputy Director of Drainage Services, Ir Mak Ka-wai.