MoU signed between Universidad Católica “Nuestra Señora de la Asunción” (Paraguay) and IHE Delft

On 24 August 2021, an MoU was signed by IHE Delft and Universidad Católica de Asunción, Paraguay. The signing parties were Dr. Narciso Velázquez, Rector of Universidad Católica and Eddy Moors, Rector of IHE Delft. Both parties join efforts to promote research and capacity building in water resources, develop technical activities of mutual interest and foster networking of scientific, information, knowledge and technology transfer in Paraguay and the region.
On behalf of Universidad Catolica the agreement is led by the Faculty of Science and Technology Dean, Ing. Norma Cantero, Professor Roberto Lima and Professor Enrique Vargas. On IHE Delft side, Professor of Hydroinformatics, Gerald Corzo, Business Development Officer, Cristina Anacabe and Alumni Officer Maria Laura Sorrentino are leading the process. Alumnus from both IHE Delft and Universidad Catolica, Ing. Daniel Vazquez, has facilitated the agreement and emphasized during the ceremony the positive impact of this joint effort would have in the region and expressed his support for this fascinating common project.
The Science and Technology Faculty was established in Asuncion more than 40 years ago. Studies in different technical disciplines are offered since then: Civil, Industrial, Environmental, Electronic and Computer Engineering among them. Additionally, and water relevant is the University’s own Technological Centre, funded in 1981, where research on water and the environment is conducted.
The main objective of the MoU is to join efforts for promoting research and capacity building regarding water resources, academic exchange, develop technical activities of mutual interest and foster networking of scientist, information, knowledge and technology transfer in Paraguay and the region. Universidad Catolica and IHE Delft in a concerted effort try to find moral and financial support for this cooperation from the national and international community.
On 25 of August, the Webinar: Water Challenges in Paraguay and Latin-America will be held among academics from both institutions. This first knowledge exchange activity will be followed by educational and joint research activities soon.