New call for large-scale proposals: Water and Development Partnership Programme

IHE Delft’s Water and Development Partnership Programme is seeking project proposals that bring together diverse, inter- and trans-disciplinary teams that wish to collaborate to find sustainable solutions to water challenges, redress larger systemic injustices and enrich the knowledge on water.
The call will be launched on 9 November, 2022 and will follow a two-stage process. In the first stage, teams will submit their preliminary ideas, using the provided templates and guidelines before 5 December 12.00 CET.
Teams that continue with the second stage will further develop their project ideas in line with the feedback. Final proposals must be submitted before 6 February 17.00 CET.
Who can apply?
- Consortia* that include IHE Delft and 6-12 organisations working in Non-European low-and middle-income countries, especially:
- The Horn of Africa, in particular Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda.
- The Middle-East, in particular Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine and Yemen.
- The Sahel, in particular Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Nigeria.
What kind of projects are sought?
- Projects that combine research with development of education and strengthening of capacities.
- Projects with any of the following themes
- Water for Food: This theme focuses on developing viable pathways to more sustainable and climate-change-resilient irrigation practices and agro-ecosystems to support the livelihoods of actors involved in small- and medium-scale agriculture. It also focuses on conserving biodiversity and ecosystem services.
- River Basins and Deltas: This theme focuses on developing viable pathways to more secure, equitable, and ecologically sustainable governance and management of (transboundary) river basins and delta regions, including coastal areas and aquifers.
- Water and Health: This theme focuses on developing viable pathways to improve and upscale the provision of adequate, affordable and inclusive water and sanitation services, particularly to marginalized groups and or areas. As projects addressing this field have been funded extensively in earlier calls, only limited funding available at this time.
- Projects with maximum budgets of 1.5 million euro and maximum durations of 4.5 years.
More about the partnership programme
The programme envisions a world where inclusive and diverse partnerships and marginalized knowledges transform the ways we know, use, share and care for water. To achieve this, the programme funds bold, creative and transdisciplinary projects that combine research, education and capacity strengthening activities aimed at creating a peaceful, just and sustainable world.
The Water and Development Partnership Programme 2022-2027 is supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
More information:
- *You can contact us if you need assistance with finding potential partners.
- In-depth information on eligibility and funding criteria will be shared here.
- Check our frequently asked questions page.
- For updates, follow us on twitter.
- If you have any other questions, please contact