Webinar on resilient rivers and deltas: taking stock from research and practices from the DUPC2 programme

Climate change, sea-level rise, urbanization and competing water uses across sectors and regions, challenge rivers and delta systems in new ways. This affects the millions of people living in delta areas. This webinar takes stock of research and practices on rivers and deltas, conducted as part of DUPC2-supported projects. Join our webinar to learn, reflect and discuss: which evidence and good practices can we leverage for building resilient river deltas? Water resources, fertile soil, life-sustaining ecosystems, energy through hydropower: rivers and deltas provide some of the most essential resources for local populations and socio-economic development.
The DUPC2 programme dedicated a multi-disciplinary research theme covering river and delta resilience projects with diverse topics, geographical focuses and methodologies. The webinar will draw from the projects’ findings and experiences and discuss what scientific insights, lessons and good practices from the projects can be applied more widely to build resilience in river and delta systems.
Three projects will present their experiences and findings, followed by a panel discussion:
- Science communication for water diplomacy in the Brahmaputra river basin. Dr. Anamika Barua, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati.
- River basin simulation for improved transboundary water management in the Nile: Case study of the Tekezze-Atbara sub-basin. Yasir Hageltom, Hydraulics Research Center Sudan.
- Flood-based farming systems for enhancing livelihood resilience in the floodplain of upper Mekong delta. Speaker: Hong Quan Nguyen and Dr. Nguyen Van Kien, Vietnam National University.
This webinar is organized in collaboration with the Water Channel.