IHE Delft - DUPC2 Webinar: Wastewater treatment and reuse

Water scarcity is becoming an increasingly prominent problem in all world regions, with recent estimates showing up to 40% of the global population being affected. The consequences are multi-faceted, ranging from crop failure, compromised health, all the way to social conflicts in severe cases. In response, governments, businesses and local communities are paying greater attention to wastewater treatment and reuse. Efficient water treatment technologies offer great opportunities to turn wastewater into valuable resources, especially for the agriculture sector.
Good practices, knowledge and experience are building up rapidly on the topic of how to treat and reuse waste water resources in different contexts. This webinar therefore aims to address the central question of: How can we use wastewater treatment and reuse to support crop production and address water scarcity?
In particular:
- What are interesting examples (of projects, case studies, activities) showcasing the added values of waste water treatment and reuse? -
- What have we (projects and partners) learned through designing and implementing wastewater treatment and reuse practices in different contexts?
- What are next steps towards wastewater treatment and reuse at scale?
- What is the role of partnerships in developing, using and promoting wastewater treatment and reuse?
The webinar features a selected set of DUPC2 and external projects, with speakers from:
- Konya Technical University, Konya, Turkey: Prof. Bilgahan Nas
- Jordan National Agricultural Research Center (NARC): Dr. Luna Al-Hadidi
- IHE Delft Institute for Water Education: Dr. Peter van der Steen
- Wageningen University and Research: Mr. Mohammed Hassan Tawfik.
- SafeAgroMENA project and IHE Delft Institute for Water Education: Dr. Hadeel Mahmoud
Webinar program
- 11:00-11:05 Welcome and opening by Dr. Peter van der Steen
- 11:05-11:15 Wastewater treatment and reuse: Insight and experience from Turkey (tentative tittle), Prof. Bilgahan Nas
- 11:15-11:25 Solving water scarcity with waste water reuse, case of Jordan (tentative tittle), Dr. Luna Al-Hadidi
- 11:25-11:35 Waste water treatment and reuse: The potential, and pathway to reach scale (tentative tittle), Dr. Peter van der Steen
- 11:35-12:00 Panel discussion, Convener: Mr. Mohamed Hassan Tawfik
Panellists: Dr. Hadeel Mahmoud, and all speakers.
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